Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011


Monday, August 10, 2009 by Sara Cox
Some of the ingredient statements for Biotta juices read “100% fermented.”  We’ve received dozens of questions about what that means.  Is it a yeast fermentation?  Is it like the process used in alcohol production?    Do we add lactic acid to our juices?  Does lactic acid mean there is lactose in the juices?  Let’s look at one question at a time.
Q:  Is the fermentation of the juices a yeast fermentation?
A:  No.  Our juices are lacto fermented (explained below).  There is no yeast involved.

Q:  Is it like the process used in alcohol production?
A:  No.  Alcohol fermentation uses yeast during the production.  Biotta juices contain no yeast and no alcohol.

Q:  Do we add lactic acid to our juices?
A:  No, lactic acid is not added.  The fermentation creates natural lactic acid.

Q:  Does lactic acid mean there is lactose in the juices?
A:  No.  Lactic acid and lactose are different.  There is no lactose in our juices, so they are considered lactose-free and also vegan.+

What is Lactic Acid?
Lactofermentation converts sugars and starches found in the vegetables into lactic acid, which is a natural preservative.*  In Biotta juices, lactic acid is produced as part of a naturally spontaneous fermentation process.

What Good is Lactic Acid?
Lactic acid preserves the juice and prevents bacterial deterioration.  Fermentation has been used for thousands of years in such foods as sauerkraut, cheese, wine, sour grained porridge and breads.** Lactic acid improves the microbiological stability and safety of Biotta juices.

In addition to preservation, lactic acid foods are of vital importance to the human body, especially for digestion and metabolism.  Modern medicine is catching up with what our ancient forefathers knew: fermentation is good for you. published an article on lactic acid fermentation which states: “Vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains subjected to lactic acid fermentation … see increases in both their macro- and micronutrient profiles.”  Later in the same article, we read: “Vegetables that have undergone lactic acid fermentation… often see an increase in the activity of vitamin C and vitamin A.”**

Eat Better.  Feel Better.
The consumption of lactofermented vegetables has been studied for its potential health benefits.  These studies have revealed significant benefits in the area of reestablishment and maintenance of intestinal health, increased immune function, digestion aid, constipation relief and decreased allergies and infections.*

All Biotta vegetable juices are fermented and contain lactic acid.  It’s an organic process—all our vegetable juices are 100% naturally fermented.

The Beauty Benefits of Carrot Juice
Friday, August 7, 2009 by Sara Cox
Carrot juice really is good for your eyesight.  In fact, organic carrot juice is one of nature’s most “healing” foods; its benefits including balancing blood acidity and blood sugar, detoxifying the body, reducing the risk of heart disease by cleaning artery deposits, protecting the respiratory system, reducing cancer risks, lowering serum cholesterol levels, reducing inflammation, and building the immune system.  Organic carrot juice is an excellent source of pro-vitamin A, vitamins C, D, E, K, B1 and B6.  Carrots are also rich in bioton, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and organic sodium.*

Looking Great

But, did you know carrot juice can help you look better, too?  The detoxification effect of carrot juice helps to eliminate waste in the body and causes the skin to glow and look healthy.  Drinking carrot juice keeps your skin healthy and supple.**

You can also use carrot juice externally to help keep you beautiful.  A carrot juice and honey paste is a common spa facial.  Combined with coconut oil, carrot juice can help dry and aging skin and serve as your nighttime moisturizer.  And some people blend carrot juice with eggs and yogurt to serve as a hair conditioner.**

Carrot Juice and Acne
The fiber and vitamin A found in carrot juice have proven to been proven effective in dealing with acne.*** Drinking carrot juice is an excellent way to clear and beautify the skin.  But, carrot juice can also be applied directly to the skin to help fade blemishes away. states, “It is not often that you hear of the topical benefits of this healing juice.  When you use carrot juice both internally and, yes, externally, it will help combat acne breakouts and speed the healing scars caused by acne.” ****

For more than half a century, Biotta has been providing 100% natural, organic, fresh carrot juice to health food stores, natural food stores and select grocers throughout the country.  Biotta’s Carrot Juice is available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. 

Low Heat – High Quality
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 by George Pappas
Biotta’s unique pasteurization and manufacturing process is important in retaining our 100% organic juices’ high nutritional value and fresh taste.  It is the key to the high quality and long shelf life of every Biotta juice.

Once we have pick
ed our fruits and vegetables at the peak of ripeness to ensure the highest quality, we employ our proprietary production method.  Our process excludes oxygen as much as possible, hindering oxidation and the resulting loss of vitamins.  Next, we decant the juice from the fruits and vegetables.  Instead of pressing the juice, which can damage the nutrients, we use a process of centrifugation to separate the juice from the mash.  This basic principle applies throughout our process:  the fewer the processing steps and the lower the temperature, the higher the nutritional value of the juice.

With pasteurization, the longer the process and the higher the temperatures, the greater the damage to the juice and its vitamins.  Cooking and processing foods at high temperatures destroys nutrients by altering their shape and chemical composition.  Because of that, our juices are pasteurized at an average temperature of 185 degrees Fahrenheit, whereas many competitive juices are sterilized at over 250 degrees.  We heat the juice quickly and immediately cool it down, using as few stages as possible. 

We also use a natural process of lactic acid fermentation, such as is used in the making of sauerkraut and yogurt.  We apply the same principle in the production of our all-natural vegetable juices.  Enzymes (complex proteins) are deactivated through this preservation process.  This maintains the premium quality of the juices while in storage.

Biotta produces USDA 100% organic juices, available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.

Want more information about Biotta juices?  If you’re a consumer and want to know where to find our juices, click on the beet juice icon on the right.  If you’re a retailer that already carries our juices, click the carrot juice icon to be included in our retailer directory.  If you have any other questions, just email us.

A Review from Another Satisfied Biotta Customer
Monday, August 3, 2009 by Sara Cox
We love when customers write to tell us how much they love Biotta juices.  But, when they write articles about our juices and put them on their blogs, that’s SUPER FANTASTIC!  You can check out to read what Melinda has to say, or check out the excerpt below.

Biotta sent a variety of juices to Melinda for her to review.  Melinda is a freelance writer who hopes to have a career as a food/nutrition writer and blogger.

Here is what Melinda has to say about Biotta juices:
I loved all of the juices that Biotta sent for me to review, but my favorite was between the Vegetable Juice Cocktail and the Breakfast Juice- wowza, these were delicious!
I also liked the Beet Juice; it had a sweet flavor and you could tell that this was pure beets! I loved the Carrot Juice mixed in with my apple and cucumber juice- it kicked it up a notch!
Biotta juices have also been featured on The View.  Whoopi Goldberg, who is known to hate veggies, has fallen in love with these drinks!
I personally love that not only are Biotta juices organic but also RAW! I’m one happy girl right now.


What better way to get the full amount of your fruits and vegetables than with 100% organic fruit and vegetable juices from Biotta?  We offer a wide variety of vegetable juices: Beet Juice, Carrot Juice, Celery Root Juice, Potato Juice, Sauerkraut Juice, Vegetable Juice Cocktail and Breuss® Vegetable Juice.  Fruit juices include Bilberry Juice, Elderberry Juice, Breakfast Juice and Energy Drink.

Pulp ‘Non-Fiction’
Friday, July 31, 2009 by George Pappas
Some consumers prefer drinking clear juice—juice where the pulp (sediment) has been removed—because they believe it is purer and therefore healthier.  But that is not the case.  Drinking juice with lots of pulp is better for you than clear juice because it contains polyphenols - antioxidants that help absorb chemicals known to damage cells in the body.*

Biotta organic juices often have sediment on the bottom.  Sediment is a sign of juice in its natural state.  Biotta juices use only natural and physical processing methods, as opposed to commonly used chemical methods.  Nothing artificial is added during the manufacturing process.  In order to remove the pulp, chemical or physical methods are necessary, which are not in accordance with the Biotta philosophy of providing organic, natural juices.

Biotta uses a closed processing method on all our juices.  After the fruits and vegetables are washed, the juice – along with the pulp – is extracted through a decanting method that utilizes centrifugation to pull the juice from the fruits and vegetables. 

Sediment, or pulp, contains many beneficial properties, such as phytonutrients.  For this reason, Biotta organic juices are not enhanced or clarified (filtered).  In order to retain the highest possible quantity of vital nutrients in our organic juices, sediment is an essential part of the product. 

With Biotta juices, you are getting some valuable pulp ‘non-fiction’ that supports and enhances the characteristics of the juices.  So, before you drink to your health, shake Biotta juices well to incorporate that valuable sediment back into the juice. 

Biotta produces USDA organic juices, available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.

Juice Versus Processed Fruits
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 by George Pappas
Recent studies have shown that juice may be even better for us than processed fruits and vegetables.  Most of the fruit people eat is processed, and that can affect its nutritional value.

By contrast, fresh fruits and fresh fruit juice “may have significant clinical and public health
relevance,” French researcher Dr. Kelly Decorde of the University Montpelier reports.*

Another study showed that drinking tomato juice may help prevent heart disease by inhibiting the action of clot-promoting blood platelets.**  This study, reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association (2004;292:805-6) showed that clotting (platelet aggregation) decreased by 27% in the group drinking tomato juice.

Drink To Your Health
Drinking 100% organic juice is a great way to give your body the nutritional value it needs.  And you can’t find fresher juices than Biotta.  Made from all-natural whole fruits and vegetables, grown and harvested for optimum quality, our juices are minimally processed to ensure great taste and high nutritional value.  So why not drink to your health?

10 Great Reasons to Drink Biotta Sauerkraut Juice
Monday, July 27, 2009 by Sara Cox
  1. It’s healthy for you and easily digested.
  2. The lactic acid in sauerkraut juice can inhibit the growth of undesired intestinal bacteria.
  3. Sauerkraut juice is fermented and is full of probiotics (bacteria which are healthy and helpful).
  4. Sauerkraut juice stimulates digestive activity.
  5. It aids in the cure and prevention of canker sores.  (See previous post.)
  6. Biotta Sauerkraut Juice is 100% natural.
  7. It is very low in calories.
  8. Sauerkraut juice contains large amounts of vitamin C.
  9. It’s an ideal drink for diabetics.
  10. Biotta Sauerkraut Juice has an incredible two-year shelf life. 

All Biotta vegetables are vine/field-ripened and are selected using the highest standards in relation to flavor and content.  That means you get a higher-quality juice with noticeably better flavor. Our Sauerkraut Juice is extracted from white cabbage through natural lactic acid fermentation.  Buy Sauerkraut Juice, available in 16.9 fl. oz. glass bottles, and see what health benefits await you.

Better to Drink Juice or Eat Raw Fruits/ Vegetables?
Friday, July 24, 2009 by George Pappas
Both.  Eating raw fruits and vegetables provides fiber.  While fiber has no nutritional value, it is good for digestion and acts as a cleanser for the intestines.  So, of course, it is important to include raw fruits and vegetables in your diet.

But, drinking fruit and vegetable juice is equally important.  The living enzymes present in juice are key to nourishing your body well.  And, while eating fresh fruits and vegetables is good, it also takes up to five hours for solid food to be digested before it is ready to provide nourishment to the cells and tissues of the body.*  That means, while digestion is taking place, a large percentage of the nourishment the food provides is spent aiding in the digestive process. 

Immediate Nourishment
By contrast, dri
nking fruit and vegetable juices gives your body almost immediate nourishment.  Fresh juice is digested and assimilated within 10-15 minutes.  Most of the nutrients it contains are used to nourish the body, not aid in digestion.  Some experts recommend that you consume at least one pint of 100% organic juice per day.  If you are ill, 2-8 pints a day is the recommended amount.

Drink Biotta Juices – For Your Health
Biotta juices are delicious 100% organic juices.  We provide a unique taste experience
through our natural whole fruit and vegetable juices, grown and harvested for optimum quality, and then minimally processed to ensure great taste and high nutritional value.

Want more information about Biotta juices?  If you’re a consumer and want to know where to find our juices, click on the beet juice icon on the right.  If you’re a retailer that already carries our juices, click the carrot juice icon to be included in our retailer directory.  If you have any other questions, just email us.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 by Sara Cox
Sauerkraut juice is a great aid for digestion.  Many experts agree that the lactic acid in sauerkraut juice can inhibit the growth of undesired intestinal bacteria and stimulate digestive activity. 

But, sauerkraut juice is also widely used as a preventative and a cure for canker sores. The Mayo Clinic website gives this definition for canker sores: “Canker sores, also called aphthous ulcers, are small, shallow lesions that develop on the soft tissues in your mouth —
under your tongue, inside your cheeks or lips, and at the base of your gums. Unlike cold sores, canker sores don't occur on the surface of your lips and aren't contagious. They can be very painful, however, and can make eating and talking difficult. Most canker sores go away on their own in a week or two.”*

Sauerkraut juice is fermented and is full of probiotics (bacteria which are healthy and helpful). Sauerkraut juice has proven to be a very powerful canker sore treatment.**

Treatment Method
Here’s how it works. 
1.    Take a tablespoon of sauerkraut juice in your mouth and swish it around thoroughly. 
2.    Do this two-three times a day.
3.    You should begin to see results within a few days.
4.    Continue to drink sauerkraut juice on a regular basis as a preventive measure to avoid canker sores in the future.

Biotta’s Sauerkraut Juice is healthy and easily digested.  It’s extracted from white cabbage through natural lactic acid fermentation.  And, since sauerkraut is very low in calories, it contains large amounts of vitamin C and is ideal for diabetics.  Biotta’s Sauerkraut Juice is available in 16.9 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. 

Fortified/Functional Foods: Food, Natural Health Product or Drug?
Monday, July 20, 2009 by George Pappas
Functional (or fortified) foods—foods with specific health-enhancing characteristics—are gaining in popularity.  They include breakfast cereals that are said to ward off heart disease, orange juice with omega-3 fatty acids derived from Peruvian sardines, and chocolate bars aimed at improving intestinal activity.

In development are even more options: cheese made with cholesterol-lowering plant steroids and a calorie-free probiotic sweetener and amino-acid energy drink to target joint health.*
Food, Natural Health Products or Drugs?
But, as these products become more numerous and more popular, the question is arising, “Are these products foods, natural health products or drugs?”  This topic is becoming more problematic as our country tries to determine where food ends and where drugs begin.

Take Cheerios, for example.  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration ruled that the way Cheerios is marketed makes it a drug because the health claims on the package imply the cereal “is intended for use in the prevention, mitigation and treatment of disease.”**

Canada’s Rulings
The FDA’s ruling on Cheerios is similar to one in Canada, where a popular brand of orange juice was for years classified as a drug because of its calcium fortification.  Sylvain Charlebois, a leading expert on food safety, said, “This is medication through food, without going to see the doctor.  The politics around it are getting really complicated.”**

In America, we’re only scratching the surface of this multi-billion dollar trend.  As baby boomers seek natural ways to better their health, this trend seems destined to continue.  But, says Bill Jeffery, national coordinator of the Centre for Science in the Public Interest in Ottawa, “If consumers really want to improve their eating, they should pay attention to the broad claims that Health Canada has already authorized … such as (the fact that) diets rich in fruits and vegetable help reduce your risk of certain cancers.”

All-Natural Biotta Juices
Diets rich in fruit and vegetables—that’s what Biotta is all about.  No chemical.  No additives.  Just 100% organic juices.  Want more information about Biotta’s all natural juices?  If you’re a consumer and want to know where to find our juices, click on the beet juice icon on the right.  If you’re a retailer that already carries our juices, click the carrot juice icon to be included in our retailer directory.  If you have any other questions, just email us.

Note: Biotta juices are not marketed as a drug.  Neither we nor our products are intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.  We are not medical professionals and are not in a position to provide any medical advice.  We recommend that you contact your physician for a specific dietary regimen.
Friday, July 17, 2009 by George Pappas
Pasta with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, normally found in fish.  Probiotics in salsa.  Soda with vitamins.  Ketchup with additives to aid in digestive wellness.  Even marshmallows infused with skin-boosting collagen.

Functional foods—also called fortified foods—refer to “designer foods or ones that have been modified to incorporate nutrients they wouldn’t normally contain for a specific health purpose.”* 
Consumer Reaction
These foods abound in our supermarkets and consumers are eating them up—literally.  In 2008, functional foods made up a $30.7 billion market, according to the research firm Packaged Facts.  And that number is predicted to grow by 40% over the next five years.**

When 1,000 consumers were surveyed by the International Food Information Council Foundation in late 2005, 83% of respondents said they were interested in learning more about foods that offer health benefits beyond basic nutrition.* 

Fortified Foods Are Not New
When was the first fortified food introduced?  In 1924, iodine was first added to salt in Michigan to help reduce the prevalence of goiter in that state.  Soon, the success of this measure led to voluntary iodization in the entire country.  And we’ve been buying milk fortified with vitamin D since the 1930s to prevent rickets. 

Are Fortified Foods Worth It?
But can you have too much of a good thing?  That’s the question that comes to the forefront when talking about fortified/functional foods.  Cynthia Sass, a spokeswoman for the American Diabetic Association, said, “The idea of a supplement or fortified food is to fill a gap, to bring a person up to the recommended intake.  If you’re already at the recommended intake, it’s not going to do anything for you.  It may work against you.”*  Exceeding recommended doses of vitamin C, for example, can cause diarrhea, upset stomach and kidney stones. 

Consider All-Natural Biotta Juices
While functional foods can be helpful, what better way to get your vitamins and minerals than the natural way?  With Biotta, you can get the full amount of your fruits and vegetables with 100% organic fruit and vegetable juices.  We offer a wide variety of vegetable juices: Beet Juice, Carrot Juice, Celery Root Juice, Potato Juice, Sauerkraut Juice, Vegetable Juice Cocktail and Breuss® Vegetable Juice.  Fruit juices include Bilberry Juice, Elderberry Juice, our Breakfast Juice Cocktail and Energy Drink. 

Want more information about Biotta’s all natural juices?  If you’re a consumer and want to know where to find our juices, click on the beet juice icon on the right.  If you’re a retailer that already carries our juices, click the carrot juice icon to be included in our retailer directory.  If you have any other questions, just email us.

Another Satisfied Biotta Customer: Celery Root Juice
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 by Sara Cox
It’s always rewarding when our customers take the time to write to us and tell us about their experiences with Biotta juices.  From time to time, I’ll share some of these notes with you, not just to toot our own horn, but to show you practical applications and benefits of drinking our juices.

Biotta’s Celery Root Juice has many benefits.  It stimulates the kidneys, helps rid the body of toxins, and helps neutralize the body’s pH balance.  Many people have found celery root juice to be effective in the treatment of such illnesses as asthma, headache, inflammation, insomnia, nervous problems, weight loss and high blood pressure.  Biotta’s Celery Root Juice is made from freshly harvested organic celeriac and is available in 16.9 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. 

Here is a note sent to us by a Biotta customer:
I started drinking Biotta Celery Juice about six weeks ago. I had read about celery juice helping headaches. Eating tons of celery helped a little - then I found Biotta. Wow, what a difference it makes when the juice is from the root. The headaches are subsiding because it's also helping with sinus congestion build-up during my sleep. I woke up with a sinus headache every morning and the only thing that helped was a very expensive migraine medication. Then I read where celery juice is helpful in treating bronchitis, so it's all making sense why it's helping my congestion problem.

Best of all though, it is also helping with my insatiable cravings for sugar. I know from battling Candida years ago, just how hard it is to kick the sugar habit. Back then it took the drug Diflucan to help me with my cravings. Biotta Celery Juice works just as well if not better than the RX. I see this juice as being part of my diet for many years to come.
~~A Satisfied Biotta Customer, Denver, Colorado

Want more information about Biotta pure organic juices?  If you’re a consumer and want to know where to find our juices, click on the beet juice icon on the right.  If you’re a retailer that already carries our juices, click the carrot juice icon to be included in our retailer directory.  If you have any other questions, just email us.
Monday, July 13, 2009 by Sara Cox
Celery juice can help rid the body of toxins and stimulate kidney function.  It is recognized for its essential oils and high potassium content.  Its potential benefits extend to a variety of ailments, including asthma, constipation, fever, fluid retention, inflammation and insomnia. 

But, did you know that many people have found celery juice extremely effective for migraine
pain?  People who have tried various medical treatments and medications have found relief by drinking celery juice.

As many as 24 million Americans suffer from migraines—severe headaches often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.  Migraines are often intense and debilitating.  The actual term “migraine” comes from a Greek word which means “half the head.”*  Causes of migraines are very complex and include physical and genetic factors, as well as many contributing triggers.

Celery Juice as Treatment Option
Celery juice is recommended both as a preventive treatment and as a treatment during the acute migraine episode.  altMD, a website for alternative medicine techniques, states that one of the preventive actions people can take to prevent migraines is to consume celery juice twice daily.*

During a migraine episode, many people have found celery juice to be effective as a cure. states “Celery juice is rich in coumarins, substances that have a soothing effect on the vascular system and that may benefit those prone to migraines, says naturopathic physician Michael Murray, N.D., author of The Complete Book of Juicing.  Fresh celery juice may be drunk alone or combined with other vegetable juices, such as carrot, cucumber, parsley and spinach. Dr. Murray says to drink an eight-ounce glass of the juice twice a day as a preventive, in conjunction with proper medical treatment.”** 

Celery juice should be considered by anyone who suffers from migraine headaches, both as a preventive measure and a cure during acute attacks.  Biotta’s Celery Root Juice is made from freshly harvested organic celeriac and is available in 16.9 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. 

Want more information about Biotta’s natural organic juices?  If you’re a consumer and want to know where to find our juices, click on the beet juice icon on the right.  If you’re a retailer that already carries our juices, click the carrot juice icon to be included in our retailer directory.  If you have any other questions, just email us.

Juice Therapy – Part 3 - Vegetables for Dinner
Wednesday, July 8, 2009 by George Pappas
Potatoes, tomatoes and sauerkraut – yes, sauerkraut.  You’ll be surprised at the potential health benefits of these vegetables, found in Biotta’s 100% organic juices.

Potatoes contain 15 different minerals and essential amino acids.  In addition, potatoes
contain high quantities of starch that work with these minerals to help neutralize stomach acid.  Many people also use potato juice to relieve arthritis pain, migraines, constipation, and some skin problems, such as eczema, dry skin and blemishes.  It’s also believed to be good for cardiovascular health , ulcers, acidosis and gout.*  Biotta’s Potato Juice is available in 16.9 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.  Biotta Potato Juice contains fennel juice, giving this product a pleasant flavor and enhancing its effect. 

Tomatoes, found in Biotta Vegetable Juice Cocktail, are among the healthiest of foods.  As a good source of potassium, niacin, vitamin B6 and folate, tomatoes can help to lower the risk of heart disease and high cholesterol.  Tomatoes can also help reduce the risk of colon cancer, decrease the frequency of migraine attacks, and help diabetics keep their blood sugar levels under control.**  Biotta’s Vegetable Juice Cocktai
l is available in two sizes – 8.4 fl. oz. and 16.9 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.

Sauerkraut juice is rich in L (+) lactic acid to activate digestion.  Many experts agree that the lactic acid in sauerkraut juice can inhibit the growth of undesired intestinal bacteria and stimulate digestive activity.  Biotta’s Sauerkraut Juice is healthy and easily digested.  It’s extracted from white cabbage through natural lactic acid fermentation.  And, since sauerkraut is very low in calories, it contains large amounts of vitamin C and is ideal for diabetics.  Biotta’s Sauerkraut Juice is available in 16.9 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. 

Juice Therapy – Part 2 – Drink a Salad for Lunch?
Monday, July 6, 2009 by George Pappas
We all want to be healthier, but few of us take the steps we need to take to get there.  Consuming enough fruits and vegetables is critical to our well-being.  Just drinking juice can help us get healthier and stay healthier.  Here are some specific vegetable juices and their potential benefits.  Both beets and carrots are common elements in a salad – what a great mid-day break!

Beet Juice is Biotta’s most popular juice—and no wonder.  Beet juice, rich in minerals and vitamins, helps maintain cell functions and strengthens the body’s resistance to diseases.  Recent studies show beet juice may help reduce blood pressure and boost your immune system.*  It’s energizing, and it is recommended while recovering from any illness.**

Carrot juice—it’s full of benefits for you.  High in vitamin and magnesium content, it can be used in fighting all sorts of eye diseases and also as a stress reliever.**  Carrot juice can also lower blood sugar, reduce the risk of heart diseases and stroke, lower cholesterol, reducing inflammation and enhance eyesight.

Biotta’s Beet and Carrot Juices are available in both 8.4 and 16.9 fl. oz. bottles. 

Juice Therapy – Part 1 – Start your Day with a Good Breakfast
Sunday, July 5, 2009 by George Pappas
Want to drink yourself to better health?  Biotta’s 100% organic juices can help.  Consider the potential health benefits of these fruits:


Oranges, found in Biotta Breakfast Drink, are high in citric acid.  The high vitamin C content gives them the property of a mild laxative, which makes this a great choice for people suffering from constipation.  Orange consumption can also be useful for people who suffer from asthma and other respiratory problems.*
Also found in Biotta’s Breakfast Drink, grapes are chock full of nutrients.  Grapes have shown promise as a preventive measure for a number of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and age-associated diseases like Alzheimer’s.**  Grape juice is a great source of vitamins A, C and B6.  And, when it comes to minerals, grape juice brings potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and selenium to the table.
And let’s not forget about the health benefits of bananas, also found in our Breakfast Drink.  Bananas contain a high dose of potassium, so they are good for your heart and nervous systems, as well as your kidneys and bones.  Bananas are rich in vitamin B6, which helps the body make hemoglobin, a crucial element in your blood.  They are a great source of dietary fiber, and are often recommended for children with intestinal problems, like diarrhea.***
Biotta’s Breakfast Drink is available in 8.4 fl. oz. bottles. 
Want more information about Biotta’s all natural juices?  If you’re a consumer and want to know where to find our juices, click on the beet juice icon on the right.  If you’re a retailer that already carries our juices, click the carrot juice icon to be included in our retailer directory.  If you have any other questions, just email us.
10 Reasons to Drink Biotta Juices
Thursday, July 2, 2009 by Sara Cox
It’s hard to choose only 10 reasons to drink Biotta juices, but here goes:
10.  Biotta juices are 100% pure organic juices.

9.   Every fruit and vegetable we use is grown on land that has been organically farmed for   half a century—no chemicals, no fertilizers, no toxins. Our products bear the label USDA Organic.

8.   All our fruits and vegetables are vine/field-ripened and are selected using the highest standards in relation to flavor and content.  That means you get a higher-quality juice with noticeably better flavor.

7.   Biotta juices are all natural—none of our juices are made from concentrates.

6.   We use an advanced closed manufacturing method to process our juices.  Instead of pressing, we use centrifugation to pull the juice out, resulting in higher nutritional value.

5.   Biotta uses recyclable glass bottles for nutrient protection and flavor retention.

4.   Our recyclable glass bottles are also friendly to the environment.

3.   Our juices have many potential health benefits—check out our specific products for juices that help reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, fight diseases and build your immune system. 

2.   Drinking Biotta juices is a great way to ensure you are getting your full daily requirement of fruits and vegetables—and that leads to a healthier you!

1.   Biotta juices are just simply delicious!

Want more information about Biotta organic juices?  If you’re a consumer and want to know where to find our juices, click on the beet juice icon on the right.  If you’re a retailer that already carries our juices, click the carrot juice icon to be included in our retailer directory.  If you have any other questions, just email us.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009 by Sara Cox
Our diets are often too acidic.  Acidity can make us tired and less productive, with a reduced feeling of well-being.  High levels of acidity can lead to feelings of stress, nervousness, lack of energy, decreased concentration and a higher risk of infection.*

British Journal of Nutrition Study
A recent study in the British Journal of Nutrition showed a strong link between acidic diets and increased risk of being overweight, having elevated blood pressure, and raised cholesterol.  Acidity has also been linked to cancer, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue and even poor skin quality.**
How can you reduce acidity?
With all the adverse effects acidity can have in the body, how can we balance our internal chemistry?  The article states, “Acid is caused by stress, overly strenuous exercise, lack of rest and too much fried food, meat, cola, alcohol, sugar, dairy, coffee and more.”

Sound like your diet?  Well, you can adjust your internal chemistry by consuming more alkaline-producing fruits and vegetables.  And that’s where Biotta comes in.

Biotta can help!
What better way to get the full amount of your fruits and vegetables than with 100% organic fruit and vegetable juices from Biotta.  We offer a wide variety of vegetable juices: Beet Juice, Carrot Juice, Celery Root Juice, Potato Juice, Sauerkraut Juice, Vegetable Juice Cocktail and Breuss® Vegetable Juice.  Fruit juices include Bilberry Juice, Elderberry Juice, Breakfast Juice and Energy Drink. 

Want more information about Biotta’s all natural juices?  If you’re a consumer and want to know where to find our juices, click on the beet juice icon on the right.  If you’re a retailer that already carries our juices, click the carrot juice icon to be included in our retailer directory.  If you have any other questions, just email us.

How Many Fruits and Vegetables Should YOU Eat Every Day?
Thursday, June 25, 2009 by Sara Cox
Everyone is different – different body types, different levels of activity.  How can you know exactly how many fruits and vegetables you should be consuming each day?  The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has made it easy to find out with a personal assessment that takes just seconds to complete!

CDC Assessment
It couldn’t be easier.  Just visit this website - - and fill in your age, gender and activity level and, voila, the amount of fruits and vegetables you should be consuming daily appears.  The results are based on a 1600 calorie-a-day diet.* 

A Healthy Decision
Deciding to increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables is a healthy decision.  Overall, people who eat generous amounts of fruits and vegetables are less likely to have chronic diseases, including stroke, type 2 diabetes, some forms of cancer, and perhaps heart disease.*

Drink to your Health
And what better way to get your fruits and vegetables than with delicious 100% organic Biotta juices?  Biotta juices are amazing products.  We provide a unique taste experience through our natural whole fruits and vegetables, grown and harvested for optimum quality, and then minimally processed to ensure great taste and high nutritional value.
Aronia – It’s Berry Good for You
Tuesday, June 23, 2009 by Sara Cox
Aronia, one of the ingredients in Biotta’s Organic Energy Drink, has been linked to several health benefits.  In fact, according to some measurements, aronia has the “highest cancer-fighting antioxidant levels of any berry.”*

Aronia’s Healthy Benefits

Aronia, also known as black chokeberry, was widely used by American Indians for its health benefits.  It’s still a popular fruit in Eastern Europe and has been linked to several health benefits, reducing symptoms for such ailments as:
•    Diabetes
•    Urinary tract infections
•    Cardiovascular ailments
•    Digestive tract problems
•    Hypertension
•    Cholesterol
•    Arthritis
•    Colds and flu

Biotta Energy Drink

Aronia is one of the ingredients in Biotta’s healthy, refreshing and natural Energy Drink.  It’s made from six unique fruit juices and is slightly carbonated.  Unlike other energy drinks, Biotta Energy Drink is made from 100% juice, not flavored water.  The caffeine in Energy comes from the guarana bean, a natural form of caffeine that is 2-3 times as strong as the coffee bean.

In addition to a grape juice blend, Biotta Energy contains tea extract, Amazon juice blend (guava juice, camu-camu juice, acai juice, aronia juice), lime juice and guarana powder. Biotta Energy Drink is available in an 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottle.

The Top 10 Reasons to Drink Biotta Beet Juice
Saturday, June 20, 2009 by Sara Cox
10.  Biotta Beet Juice is a really pretty color.

9.    Our beet juice is 100% organic, made from the highest quality beet roots.

8.    Biotta Beet Juice has an incredible two-year shelf life. 

7.    It’s available in both 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz, so you can choose the size that’s right for you.

6.    Beet juice helps maintain cell functions and strengthens the body’s resistance to   diseases.

5.    Recent studies show beet juice may help reduce blood pressure.*

4.    It’s rich in natural minerals and vitamins.

3.    Biotta Beet Juice is our most popular juice.

2.    Beet juice contains betacyans, which strengthen your immune system.
And the number one reason to drink Biotta Beet Juice is…
1.   It’s fresh, crisp, smooth & refreshing—a taste sensation that will surprise you! 
Thursday, June 18, 2009 by George Pappas
CEO Magazine, a publication developed by PriceWaterhouseCoopers, featured an article about Biotta in its December 2008 edition.  Entitled “Organic Trend: Juices with Market Potential,” the article explored the background of Biotta, our dedication to organic farming and environmentally friendly production, and our expansion into growing international markets.*

Biotta has its roots in Switzerland where, for more than half a century, we’ve been producing 100% organic vegetable and fruit juices.  Today, Biotta is the clear leader in Switzerland, with a market share of 70 percent.  Biotta’s proprietary production method, as well as our commitment to using the finest organically grown fruits and vegetables, has made our motto “fresh from the field to the bottle” a reality. 

Biotta is an organic pioneer that complies with “…all the guidelines of organic farming and holds every national and international label and test certificate.”  A company spokesman stated, “Internationally, health is the mega-trend … (but) taste is just as important as health.  If you drink our carrot juice, you have to feel like you are biting into a carrot.”*

Growing and processing organic fruit and vegetable juices brings with it some unique challenges.  For instance, there are different vintages with vegetables just as there are with
wine.  So, the Biotta staff must be on their toes all the time.  The article continues, “The more hours of sunshine, for example, the higher the sugar content of the carrots.  But consumers also want their familiar taste.  It’s all about choosing the right time for the harvest and pressing.”*
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 by George Pappas

An inter
esting report recently came out, entitled the 2009 Organic Industry Survey.  It was commissioned by The Organic Trade Association to study the trends in organic sales in the United States.  The survey reported that, in 2008, organic sales reached $24.6 billion in the U.S. alone.  This figure represents both organic food and organic non-food items.  However, organic food is by far the largest segment of the market, accounting for $22.9 billion of the $24.6 billion in sales.  In spite of the downturn in the economy, this is a 17.1% growth rate in the sale of organic products across the board, and a 15.5% increase in organic food sales. Organic food now accounts for 3.47% of all food products sold in the U.S.*

What does this tell us? 
•    That wellness and health-oriented products are among the strongest consumer demands.
•    Consumers are evaluating what is really important to them, and they are deciding that organic foods are worth paying for. 

That’s why the penetration of organic products in the marketplace has nearly doubled in the last five years.  That’s an amazing statistic—and it shows that buying organic is not a fad – it is a trend that is bound to continue.

Biotta is one of the pioneers of this trend because we have been producing 100% organic fruit and vegetable juices for more than half a century.  Every fruit and vegetable we use is grown in land that has been organically farmed for more than 50 years—no chemicals, no fertilizers and no toxins. 

Our fruit and vegetable juices come in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles and are available at health food stores and natural food markets across the country.

Is It True – You are What You Eat?
Sunday, June 14, 2009 by George Pappas
Carrot juice—it’s full of benefits for you, including lowering blood sugar, reducing the risk of heart diseases and stroke, lowering cholesterol, reducing inflammation and enhancing eyesight.  But, as the old adage ‘You are what you eat’ claims, can drinking too much carrot juice turn your skin orange?

The simple answer is YES -- carrot juice can turn your skin orange—for a while.  When skin turns orange, it is not from the carrot juice
per se, it is from the overflow of materials which have been clogging the liver and are being eliminated with the consumption of carrot juice.*

When your skin turns orange for a bit, that is actually a good sign that the system is getting a good cleansing.  As you continue to drink the juice and your system is thoroughly cleansed, the color will eventually disappear.* Though the yellowing of the skin from indulging in a heavy dose of carrots is seldom serious and will disappear in a few days, continued carrot gorging can cause medical problems.**

Organic carrot juice is one of nature’s best foods for you.  It is an excellent source of pro-vitamin A, vitamins C, D, E, K, B1 and B6.  Carrots are also rich in bioton, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and organic sodium.* 

Biotta’s Carrot Juice is available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.  Want more information about Biotta organic juices?  If you’re a consumer and want to know where to find our juices, click on the beet juice icon on the right.  If you’re a retailer that already carries our juices, click the carrot juice icon to be included in our retailer directory.  If you have any other questions, just email us.

Saturday, June 13, 2009 by Sara Cox
Biotta juices have a two-year shelf life.  That means that, from the date of production to the date the product expires, Biotta juices can sit on your shelf.  At any point in that time period, you can open a bottle of our organic vegetable or fruit juice and experience fresh-from-the-field flavor and nutritional value. 

Why is such a long shelf life necessary? 
1.    Fruits and vegetables are only harvested once a year, so that necessitates a minimum shelf life of one year. 
2.    Due to worldwide transportation and distribution, we have to ensure enough time for supplies to reach our markets.
3.    Most importantly, we want to ensure that you receive the freshest, best tasting juice available.

How do we achieve a two-year shelf life?
Biotta’s two-year shelf life is made possible by our innovative production, packaging and distribution methods.  Also, Biotta fruit and vegetable juices are acidic; acidic juices have a naturally longer shelf life without compromising quality.
•    Pasteurization.  Our gentle pasteurization method heats the juice quickly and at a low temperature, and then cools it down immediately, allowing for greater retention of nutrients.  The longer the pasteurization process and the higher the temperatures, the greater the damage to the juice and the vitamins it contains.  Because of that, our juices are pasteurized at an average temperature of 185 degrees Fahrenheit, whereas many competitive juices are sterilized at over 250 degrees. 

•    Packaging.  We package our juices in non-gas-permeable glass packaging; glass provides the best protection for our juices and does not allow external elements to permeate the bottle.  The bottles are then placed in cartons and protected from light and dust.
What Happens Once the Bottle is Opened?
We recommend our healthy juices be refrigerated before enjoying.  Once opened, Biotta
juices can be stored in the refrigerator and enjoyed for seven days.

Want more information about Biotta pure organic juices, available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles?  If you’re a consumer and want to know where to find our juices, click on the beet juice icon on the right.  If you’re a retailer that already carries our juices, click the carrot juice icon to be included in our retailer directory.  If you have any other questions, just email us.
Friday, June 12, 2009 by George Pappas
Recent studies have shown that people who drink at least one glass of vegetable juice every day may lose more weight than people who don’t drink juice regularly.  Lowering the risk of obesity is a great reason to enjoy Biotta vegetable juices, which offer fresh-squeezed quality in convenient bottles.

In a recent study, “adults who drank at least 8 ounces of vegetable juice as part of a calorie-controlled, heart-healthy diet lost 4 pounds over 12 weeks, while those who followed the same diet but did not drink the veggie juice lost only 1 pound.”* The vegetable juice drinkers, in addition to losing more weight, were also more likely to get the recommended 3-5 servings of vegetables daily.

The study included 81 participants.  Almost 75% of the participants had metabolic syndrome, a cluster of risk factors including excess body fat, high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high cholesterol.

So, go ahead, drink to your health!  Biotta produces USDA all natural, organic juices, available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.

Want more information about Biotta’s organic juices?  If you’re a consumer and want to know where to find our fresh juices, click on the beet juice icon on the right.  If you’re a retailer that already carries our juices, click the carrot juice icon to be included in our retailer directory.  If you have any other questions, just email us.

Thursday, June 11, 2009 by Sara Cox
Certain fruit juices in their raw form are naturally very strong and sour tasting.  Many times a sweetener is added to neutralize the acids and enhance the flavor.

Agave syrup is made from the same Mexican plant that gives us tequila.  The us
e of agave nectar is a growing trend in the organic sweetener market, increasing from $85 million in 1998 to $200 million in 2008.  The syrup has a mild, fruity flavor and can be used as table sugar or in baking as well.  Agave nectar is often substituted for sugar or honey in recipes; it can even be used as a topping for pancakes or waffles.  It also dissolves quickly, so it is easily used in cold and hot beverages.* 

Agave nectars are sold in four varieties: light, amber, dark and raw.  Light agave has a mild caramel flavor.  The amber variety has a medium-intensity caramel taste.  Dark agave is stronger and gives a distinct taste to dishes such as desserts, poultry, meat and seafood.  Raw agave has a mild, almost neutral taste.**

Agave nectar and unrefined sugars are added to make the natural sour taste of elderberries and bilberries more palatable in our organic fruit juices. 

Want more information about Biotta’s natural organic juices?  If you’re a consumer and want to know where to find our healthy juices, click on the beet juice icon on the right.  If you’re a retailer that already carries our juices, click the carrot juice icon to be included in our retailer directory.  If you have any other questions, just email us.

Potato ‘Plus’
Thursday, June 4, 2009 by Sara Cox
Potatoes.  They’re one of the most popular vegetables in the world and they’re great for you, too.  But the potato wasn’t always so popular.  In fact, potatoes have only recently been used as “people food.”

Before the 16th century, potatoes were found in the Central Andes.  They weren’t brought to Europe until Sir Walter Raleigh gave a potato plant to Queen Elizabeth as a present.  But that didn’t turn out so well.

Here’s the scoop.  Only the root of the potato is edible; the rest of the plant is poi
sonous.  But Queen Elizabeth’s cook didn’t know that, so he threw out the tuber and cooked the greens.  Everyone who ate them fell ill, and potatoes were promptly banned from the court.  It took two more centuries before Frederick the Great of Prussia gave potatoes to the poor people to eat.  The potato first found its way to the states—to Idaho, of course— via Presbyterian missionaries in 1836 but was not commonly used as human food.*

The Great Famine in Ireland in 1845 came about because of a diseased potato crop.  At least one million people died of starvation, and that prompted many Irish people to immigrate to the U.S.  At that time, potatoes were used mainly as animal feed in the states.  It wasn’t until after the Civil War that the potato took its rightful place in our diet as a staple.*

Potatoes are a great source of protein and potassium.  Vitamin-rich, they also contain alkali-producing mineral nutrients, making them valuable as a relief for acid indigestion and heartburn.  In addition to problems of the digestive tract, many people use potato juice to relieve arthritis pain, migraines, back pain and some skin problems, such as eczema, dry skin and blemishes.  Potatoes have anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, and contain the phytonutrient kukoamine, which helps to lower blood pressure. 

Biotta’s Potato Juice is available in 16.9 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.  We’ve added fennel juice to our Potato Juice, which gives this product a pleasant flavor and enhances its effect.

Want more information about Biotta organic juices?  If you’re a consumer and want to know where to find our juices, click on the beet juice icon on the right.  If you’re a retailer that already carries our juices, click the carrot juice icon to be included in our retailer directory.  If you have any other questions, just email us.

‘Cheers’ to Fruit Juice and Your Health
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 by Sara Cox
It’s a proven fact.  Drinking fruit juice boosts your health.  A recent U.S. study concluded that one glass of 100% fruit juice every day can help protect again stroke, heart disease and diabetes, as well as aid weight loss.  The study showed that juice drinkers were leaner, had lower risk of obesity, and were less prone to metabolic syndrome (defined as three or more of the following: obesity; low HDL-cholesterol; elevated blood pressure, blood glucose and fasting triglycerides). Compared to people who do not drink fruit juice, the juice drinkers had a lower body mass index, lower insulin resistance, and a smaller waist measurement.  The study also showed that the risk for obesity was 22% lower among fruit juice drinkers.*

More than 14,000 people, age 19 or older, participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1999-2004), conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In addition, the research showed that people who drink 100% pure fruit juice daily generally exhibit other healthy behaviors, such as higher physical activity levels, better diets, lower fat and sugar intake, and a higher fiber intake.

Biotta produces USDA all natural, organic juices, available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. Our fruit juices include Breakfast Juice, Bilberry Juice, Elderberry Juice, and our Energy Drink.

Organic Food: From Farm to Family
Tuesday, June 2, 2009 by George Pappas

Biotta was proud to participate in the Northeastern Organic Farming Association’s (NOFA)
Second Annual Luncheon and Panel Discussion, held Tuesday, April 14 in New York City.  NOFA-NY is an organization of consumers, gardeners and farmers creating a sustainable regional food system which is ecologically sound and economically viable ( 

This was the second annual NOFA luncheon and education panel to benefit NOFA-NY.  The event included an organic luncheon menu which featured Roasted Beet Tartare, Root Vegetable Risotto, Braised Jerusalem Artichoke and Mushrooms, followed by Sprouted Wheat Flour Shortcake with preserved Blackberries for dessert.  Biotta Organic Vegetable Juice Cocktail was among the beverages served.

Special guest and Chairwoman Christie Brinkley, known for her commitment to organic food, attended the luncheon.  There were approximately 200 people in attendance.  Biotta, a company committed to organic farming since our inception more than 50 years ago, was one of the sponsors for the event.

Biotta Goes Hollywood
Monday, June 1, 2009 by George Pappas
April 22, 2009 was Earth Day and, to celebrate Biotta’s commitment to environmental responsibility, we were among a number of companies that sent a collection of “green” gifts to some high-profile celebrities.  These gifts included fashion, health and beauty products.  Biotta provided our Breakfast Juice, Energy Drink and Vegetable Juice Cocktail.  Among the celebrities who received Biotta juices were Justin Timberlake, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jake Gyllenhaal, Tina Fey, Ellen DeGeneres, Melissa Etheridge, Sheryl Crow, Eva Longoria, Tobey Maguire, Drew Barrymore and Sting.

Our CEO George Pappas stated, “We are proud to be associated with such an important worldwide event that coincides with the very principles that our company was built on over 50 years ago.”

In an age of eco-consciousness, Biotta leads the way.  Committed to organic farming and other nature-friendly processes and practices for more than half a century, we never use chemical or synthetic additives or ingredients in our products.  From recyclable glass bottles to labels printed on FSC-certified paper, we are dedicated to helping to meet the social, economic and ecological needs of the present and future generations.

Want more information about Biotta’s natural organic juices?  If you’re a consumer and want to know where to find our juices, click on the beet juice icon on the right.  If you’re a retailer that already carries our juices, click the carrot juice icon to be included in our retailer directory.  If you have any other questions, just email us.
Friday, May 29, 2009 by Sara Cox
That’s right –Daytime’s third highest rated show TV talk show, The View, talked about Biotta Vegetable Cocktail Drink on the May 27th episode.  In April, Whoopi Goldberg commented that she “hates all vegetables.”  So, we sent her samples of our juices.

On Wednesday’s show, she opened a bottle of our Vegetable Cocktail Drink, took a few
drinks and stated, “If you want me to eat vegetables, this is the way I’m going to do it!”  I guess we convinced her that vegetables can taste good!

Biotta’s Vegetable Juice Cocktail is a well-balanced blend of several freshly harvested organic vegetables, including tomatoes, carrots, celeriac and beetroots, finished off with lemon juice, spices and a pinch of sea salt.  It’s delicious and contains vital nutrients, too.  Biotta’s Vegetable Juice Cocktail is available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. 

The View is an Emmy Award-winning American talk show on ABC featuring a panel of women
as co-hosts: Whoopi Goldberg moderates discussions and is joined by Joy Behar, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Sherri Shepherd and Barbara Walters, who also serves as the show’s co-executive producer.  The View showcases women with a range of perspectives. The show opens each day with “Hot Topics,” in which the co-hosts provide their commentary on the day’s top headlines in politics and entertainment. 

If Whoopi Goldberg, who ‘hates all vegetables’ can get excited about Biotta’s 100% organic juices, don’t you think they deserve a try? If you’re a consumer and want to know where to find our juices, click on the beet juice icon on the right.  If you’re a retailer that already carries our juices, click the carrot juice icon to be included in our retailer directory.  If you have any other questions, just email us.

Biotta ‘Stars’ on The View – Part 1
Thursday, May 28, 2009 by Sara Cox
Whoopi Goldberg 'hates all vegetables' – at least that’s what she said on the April 24th episode of The View, ABC's Emmy Award-winning daytime talk show created by Barbara Walters and Bill Geddie.  After Whoopi announced her strong dislike for vegetables, Biotta thought they could convince her otherwise.

So we sent her Biotta organic juice samples and a letter that said, in part:
“Dear Ms. Goldberg:

After hearing you voice, ‘I hate all vegetables’ on The View on April 24th, we encourage you to try these enclosed samples of Biotta, the delicious crisp 100% organic vegetable and fruit juices.

As a pioneer in the field of organic juices, Biotta has reinforced the continuous goal to produce top-quality juice from fruits and vegetables. Fresh from the field to the bottle is the superiority concept Biotta applies to our line of first-class beverages to ensure each variety is filled with the highest value of nutrients. Biotta has 11 delicious flavors; Beet Juice, Bilberry Juice, Breuss® Vegetable Juice, Carrot Juice, Celery Root Juice, Sauerkraut Juice and Vegetable Cocktail Juice, Potato Juice, Energy Drink, Elderberry Juice and Breakfast Juice. The special element highlighted in the fruit and vegetable juice is the effectiveness and health value, which range from supplying nutrients to boost one’s immune system to aide in digestion. “
Friday, May 22, 2009 by Sara Cox
The value of a juice is determined by the quality of the fruits and vegetables that go into it.  It is impossible to make a high-quality juice from low-quality raw ingredients.

So what makes Biotta juices premium?

    * Organic raw ingredients
    * Fresh from the field to the bottle
    * Nothing reconstituted from concentrate
    * The most gentle processing
    * No artificial additives

In the Field
Biotta uses only organic farming for all our fruits and vegetables.  For more than 50 years, we’ve been dedicated to producing top-quality organic juices from fruits and vegetables that are fresh from the field to the bottle.  Over the years, Biotta has farmed more than 1,700 acres of chemical-free, fertilizer-free, and toxic-free land.

Production and Preservation Processes
Production processes have a direct influence on the quality of a juice.  The basic rule is: the fewer steps in the production and the lower the processing temperature, the higher the nutritional value of the juice.  Biotta extracts juice from healthy, field/vine-ripened fruits and vegetables.  Competitors often store vegetable juices in tanks to be bottled as needed.  The result is that these juices are repeatedly heated and the quality is diminished.  Biotta bottles our juices immediately after extracting the juice.

 Concentrates and Additives
Biotta juices are never reconstituted from concentrates, and no artificial additives (preservatives, vitamins) are used.

Biotta juices are 100% organic, fresh from the field to the bottle.  Great care is taken throughout the growing and production processes to ensure our customers receive the freshest juices available on the market.

If you’re looking for pure, organic juices that bring nature’s goodness to the table, check out Biotta organic juices.  Biotta produces USDA organic juices, available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.
Thursday, May 21, 2009 by George Pappas
Since 1951—long before the organic trend began—Biotta adopted 100% organic methods of production.  Our goal has always been to cultivate without chemical fertilizers and toxic sprays.  Our vision is to promote good health, using organically cultivated products of the highest quality.

Dr. Hugo Brandenberger, one of the founders of Biotta AG, said, “People can only be as healthy as the livestock and plants that make up their diets.”  Accordingly, he believed that every step followed by Biotta should be in agreement with this 100% organic philosophy, from cultivation in the fields to the finished product in the bottle.  All around the world, Biotta is regarded as a pioneer in organics.

Biotta follows strict federal guidelines, and all our products bear the USDA Organic label. 
The USDA’s National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) regulates these standards for any farm or handling operation that wants to sell its product as organically produced.

Biotta also demands the highest organic quality from our suppliers.  As much as possible, all raw materials are acquired locally, and the transportation of these fruits and vegetables through to the finished products takes place over land or on water, with no air transport at all.

Biotta produces USDA all natural, organic juices, available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 by Sara Cox
Diabetics can enjoy all the benefits of Biotta juices, providing they count the carbohydrates in their individual diet plans.  Biotta’s pure organic juices provide the body with vital nutrients, essential to the person with diabetes.

Which Biotta juices are best for diabetics?

Highly Recommended

All Biotta pure organic vegetable juices, except Potato (high in starch).  These juices are very low in carbohydrates but high in vitamins, minerals and essential phytonutrients.


Biotta Breakfast Juice, Biotta Energy Drink, and Biotta Potato.  These beverages are slightly higher in carbohydrates than pure vegetable juices.  However, these carbohydrates are derived solely from the fruits and vegetables themselves and do not contain any added sugar.  The sugar profile of these juices shows a high amount of fructose, which is more suitable for diabetics than glucose.

 Recommended in Limited Quantities

Biotta Bilberry and Elderberry Juices.  When consuming these juices, it is recommended that people with diabetes dilute the beverages with water or mineral water.

Biotta’s pure organic juices are available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.  

You Can Tell a Juice by its Package
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 by George Pappas
Why does Biotta use glass bottles instead of plastic to package our juices? 
Protection. With Biotta, it’s all about what is best for our natural organic juices, and glass provides the best protection. Combined with our safety seal, our glass bottles ensure non-gas-permeability. That means external elements (like oxygen) can’t get into the product. It also guarantees that nothing is able to escape from the bottle. That’s why Biotta juices retain their flavor, content and aroma.
Shelf Life. Juices bottled in glass have the longest shelf life – up to two years for most Biotta juices.
 Migration. With PET, carton or aluminum packaging, there can be a migration of packaging materials or other food flavors into the product, which can have a negative effect on the product quality. With glass, there is no migration into the juices.
Consumer Preference. According to a recent study, 72% of consumers find glass the ideal packaging for organic products.* 
Product Enjoyment. According to a study by the G.R.P. Institute for Rational Psychology, packaging has a major influence on how much people enjoy a beverage. The test showed that juice in glass containers received the best ratings, and juice in PET and cartons ranked much lower. 
Recyclability. Up to 100% of the glass that is recycled can be reused. Biotta is committed to environment responsibility and energy conservation.
For all these reasons, Biotta packages its natural organic juices in glass bottles. They are hygienic, appetizing, tasteless and practical. Biotta juices are available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. 
Monday, May 18, 2009 by George Pappas
Why go out of your way to buy organic foods and beverages?  Is there really such a big difference?  Organic foods are grown in a healthier environment, so they are healthier for you.  For a food or beverage to bear the title of USDA Organic, strict regulations have to be followed.  The USDA’s National Organic Board (NOB) regulates these standards for any farm or handling operation that wants to sell its product as organically produced.  Foods that bear the title “healthy” or “natural” have no such regulations.

Organic fruits and vegetables are grown without pesticides and chemical fertilizers.  If you buy produce that is not organic, you may be able to wash the pesticides off the produce, but you can’t remove them from the environment in which the fruits and vegetables were grown.

Some studies seem to indicate that, in addition to the absence of chemicals, organically grown fruits and vegetables contain more vitamins and minerals than their non-organic counterparts.*

Biotta uses only organic farming for all our fruits and vegetables.  For more than 50 years, we’ve been dedicated to producing top-quality organic juices from fruits and vegetables that are fresh from the field to the bottle.  Over the years, Biotta has farmed more than 1,700 acres of chemical-free, fertilizer-free, and toxic-free land.

If you’re looking for pure, organic foods that bring nature’s goodness to the table, check out Biotta organic juices.  Biotta produces USDA organic juices, available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.

Friday, May 15, 2009 by Sara Cox
Acidity can make us tired and less productive, with a reduced feeling of well being.  High levels of acidity in the body can lead to increased feelings of stress, nervousness, lack of energy, decreased concentration and a higher risk of infection.

Our diets today are very acidic.  The increased consumption of protein, sugar and fat, as well as nicotine, alcohol and caffeine have increased the acidity in our bodies.  For a healthy metabolism, a balanced relationship between acids and alkalis should be maintained (pH balance).

Some foods leave alkaline residue in our bodies after undergoing digestion and metabolism; others leave acidic residues.  If our diet has too many acidic foods, the body cannot maintain a proper balance.  When acids accumulate in the body, health problems like fatigue, insomnia, headache, and hyperacidity begin to occur.**

To maintain a proper pH balance in our bodies, a sufficient supply of alkaline nutrients (minerals and trace elements) are necessary.  Fruits and vegetables are ideal for this.  All natural Biotta juices act as alkalis in the body, helping to regulate the body’s pH balance and eliminate toxins.  Biotta produces USDA all natural, organic juices, available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.

Want more information about Biotta’s all natural juices?  If you’re a consumer and want to know where to find our juices, click on the beet juice icon on the right.  If you’re a retailer that already carries our juices, click the carrot juice icon to be included in our retailer directory.  If you have any other questions, just email us.

Thursday, May 14, 2009 by George Pappas
Like other energy beverages, Biotta’s organic Energy Drink is designed to increase alertness and physical performance.  It’s healthy, refreshing and natural.  Made from 100% juice, not flavored water, the caffeine in Energy comes from the guarana bean, a natural form of caffeine that is 2-3 times as strong as the coffee bean.

Biotta’s organic Energy Drink gets its power from the properties of the organic fruits and
other ingredients that go into it.


Grape Juice – The dextrose content provides fuel for the brain, and the fructose provides slow-acting fuel for the body.

Araza – Araza is rich in vitamin C and has a delicious, refreshing taste.

Camu camu – With the highest vitamin C content of all tropical and sub-tropical fruits, camu camu is juicy, aromatic and flavorful.

Acai – This palm fruit, found in the rain forests of Brazil, is packed with energy, rich in plant proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Aronia – The fruit from the aronia shrub is sweet and sour, and is very rich in anthocyans, flavonoids, polyphenois, vitamins and minerals.

Lime – Limes provide a refined, fruity taste; they contain vitamin C and other important nutrients, potassium and phosphorus.

Other ingredients

Mate Tea Infusion – Mate tea leaves have a high caffeine content, which gradually bonds with other active ingredients and is slowly assimilated into the body.

Guarana – As stimulating as coffee but milder on the stomach, the caffeine in guarana enters the bloodstream slowly and remains longer than that in coffee.

Biotta’s organic Energy Drink is available in an 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottle.

Thursday, May 7, 2009 by Sara Cox
Did you know there was a difference between recyclable and reusable bottles? For a long time, I thought they were the same thing. But they’re not. Biotta uses recyclable bottles, not reusable ones. 
To reuse a bottle that contained juice would require extensive cleaning. Here’s why: Unlike mineral water, fruit and vegetable juices leave a residue in the bottles, requiring extensive cleaning. In the case of reusable bottles, this would require a great deal of hot water and a high concentration of chemicals. It would also require the cost of return transportation, to have the bottles shipped back to Biotta.
Instead, we use recyclable bottles. Thanks to the heat reclamation during the melting process, the energy consumption of the glass production is reduced by 30%. At the same time, pollutants and CO2-emissions are reduced by the same percentage. That means that glass can be recycled quickly and inexpensively into new packaging. 
Up to 100% of the glass that is recycled can be reused. Additionally, glass is comprised of natural materials. When you look at all the variables, it is more environmentally responsible to bottles fruit and vegetable juices in recyclable bottles, rather than reusable ones. Even though Earth Day is only celebrated one day a year, we like to celebrate it in everything we do!
Biotta produces USDA organic juices, available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009 by George Pappas
Biotta organic juices often have sediment on the bottom. Sediment is a sign of juice in its natural state. Sediment, also called pulp, contains many beneficial properties, such as phytonutrients. For this reason, Biotta organic juices are not enhanced or clarified (filtered).
Biotta juices use only natural and physical processing methods, as opposed to commonly used chemical methods. Nothing artificial is added during the manufacturing process. After the fruits and vegetables are washed, they undergo a closed processing method. The juice – along with the pulp – is extracted through a decanting method that utilizes centrifugation to pull the juice from the fruits and vegetables. 
In order to retain the highest possible quantity of vital nutrients in our organic juices, sediment is an essential part of the product. It supports and enhances the characteristics of the juices. To remove the pulp, chemical or physical methods are necessary, which are not in accordance with the Biotta philosophy of providing organic, natural juices. So simply chill and shake Biotta juices well to incorporate that valuable sediment back into the juice and enjoy!
Biotta produces USDA organic juices, available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009 by Sara Cox
Biotta pure organic juices are not always exactly the same hue. The color of the juice may vary, depending on the weather, the natural sugar content of the fruits and vegetables and the acidity. Similar to wine, the changes in climate can make distinct variations in color.
At Biotta, we try to control significant variations by controlling the types of fruits and vegetables chosen. Biotta has established reliable and scientific organic growing techniques which our farmers follow. Then, we choose only the best fruits and vegetables for inclusion in our juices. 
Biotta’s healthy juices are made from naturally grown fruits and vegetables. Our fruits and vegetables are farmed on chemical-, fertilizer- and toxic-free land. All fruits and vegetables are vine/field-ripened and are selected using the highest quality standards. 
When variations in color occur, we blend different batches for more uniform appearance. We never use concentrates; our pure organic juices are absolutely uncompromised. No adjustments in aroma, flavor or color are made. That means, while our juices may vary slightly in color and taste, they are 100% natural. You cannot buy a fresher juice product—period. Our juices are fresh from the field to the bottle.
Monday, May 4, 2009 by George Pappas
Biotta juices have an amazing two-year shelf life. How do Biotta’s 100% organic juices retain their high nutritional value and fresh taste for that length of time? Our closed manufacturing process is the key to our juices’ quality and longevity. 
First of all, we start by picking our fruits and vegetables at the peak of ripeness to ensure the highest quality. We then move to our proprietary production method, which excludes oxygen as much as possible. That hinders oxidation and the resulting loss of vitamins. Next, we decant the juice from the fruits and vegetables. Instead of pressing the juice, which can damage the nutrients, we use a process of centrifugation to separate the juice from the mash.
Our pasteurization process is also important to our juices’ quality. The longer the pasteurization process and the higher the temperatures at which the pasteurization takes place, the greater the damage to the juice and the vitamins it contains. Because of that, our juices are pasteurized at an average temperature of 185 degrees Fahrenheit, whereas many competitive juices are sterilized at over 250 degrees. We heat the juice quickly and immediately cool it down, using as few stages as possible. 

Next, we package our juices in 100% non-gas-permeable glass packaging. Glass provides the best product protection. No undesired external elements (such as oxygen) can permeate the bottle, and that helps to retain vitamins. Even our method of storage and transportation come into play. UV rays can break down vitamins, which is why Biotta juices are packaged in closed cartons for storage and distribution. Biotta produces USDA 100% organic juices, available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.
Thursday, April 30, 2009 by Sara Cox
So yesterday I wrote about what makes a food ‘Natural’. Let’s take a look at how ‘Organic’ differs:
“Organic foods are made according to certain production standards. The use of conventional non-organic pesticides, insecticides and herbicides is greatly restricted and avoided as a last resort.”**
For a food or beverage to bear the title of USDA Organic, strict regulations have to be followed. The USDA’s National Organic Board (NOSB) regulates these standards for any farm or handling operation that wants to sell its product as organically produced.*** Foods that bear the title “healthy” or “natural” have no such regulations.
“What is organic food? Organic food is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations. Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge; bioengineering; or ionizing radiation. Before a product can be labeled ‘organic,’ a Government-approved certifier inspects the farm where the food is grown to make sure the farmer is following all the rules necessary to meet USDA organic standards. Companies that handle or process organic food before it gets to your local supermarket or restaurant must be certified, too.”****
Organic farming uses natural fertilizers, green manures, and crop rotation to minimize insects and diseases and maximize the soil health. It reduces external influences that could compromise the purity of the harvest and eliminates synthetic pesticides, hormones and antibiotics. It places a strong focus on renewable resources and protecting the environment.
Biotta juices are proud to bear the certification of “USDA Organic.” Grown on more than 1,700 acres of chemical-, fertilizer- and toxic-free land, our fruits and vegetables are vine-ripened and are processed in a closed manufacturing environment. Instead of pressing the fruit or vegetable, Biotta pulls the juice out with a gentle process called decanter technology. The juices are then pasteurized to retain the high nutritional value.
Biotta produces USDA organic juices, available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 by Sara Cox
The media has taught us to read food labels. Many of them say “Natural” or “Organic.” The questions are “Is there a difference?’ and ‘What do each of those really mean?’ The answers are quite clear. 
Generally speaking, natural foods are foods that do not contain any additives, such as preservatives or artificial coloring. However, despite the widespread use of the word “natural,” the U.S. Food and Drug Administration discourages companies from using the term because of its ambiguity. "Natural may unjustifiably imply that a food is of superior quality or safety compared to other similar foods", said the FDA’s Ritu Nalubola. Neither FDA nor the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has precise rules for “natural.”
In a press release put out by the Institute of Food Technologists entitled “Is There a Definition for Natural Foods?” this statement appears:
“In 1991, FDA tried to define the term and, by 1993, gave up. The agency decided to “not restrict the use of ‘natural’ on products. It is a very complex term,” Nalubola said. Today FDA is continuing that practice, originated in 1988. For a product to be called natural, it must be free of artificial or synthetic ingredients or additives, including color, flavor or any ingredient “not normally expected.” Hence, lemonade flavored with beet juice cannot be called natural. In addition, any food enhanced with caramel, paprika or color (consider bright orange cheese) cannot be called natural.”*
Because such regulatory agencies as FDA and USDA haven’t defined the term, products that are labeled “natural” are subject to the agencies’ “best current thinking of what constitutes truthful labeling.”*
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 by George Pappas
We all know that getting the USDA recommended levels of fruits and vegetables in our diets is important. We can get them by eating them raw or cooked, or by drinking 100% pure organic juice.
Does it matter if you buy juice or juice the fruits and vegetables yourself? In many cases, the juices you purchase are not 100% USDA organic juices like Biotta juices are. So, let’s think about what is involved in juicing your own fruits and vegetables.
First, you have to choose your vegetables carefully. You want to be sure the fruits and vegetables you choose are fresh. You should juice the vegetables right before drinking; prolonged storage of even a day can damage the juice. You need to be careful about switching the juices you drink; if you keep drinking the same juice, you may develop an allergy towards it. You have to wash your vegetables carefully and clean up your juicer after each use. That’s a lot of work for a fresh glass of fruit or vegetable juice.*
Biotta’s organic juices are made from naturally grown fruit and vegetables. Our fruits and vegetables are farmed on chemical-, fertilizer- and toxic-free land. All fruits and vegetables are vine/field-ripened and are selected using the highest quality standards. We use a special manufacturing process to seal in the freshness, pasteurize the juices to retain the high nutritional value, and use glass bottles for full flavor and nutrient protection.
All of our juices are UDSA organic juices. We offer a wide variety of fruit and vegetable juices, including:
Vegetable Juices                                            Fruit Juices
Beet Juice                                                       Bilberry Juice
Breuss® Vegetable Juice                               Breakfast Juice
Carrot Juice                                                    Elderberry Juice
Celery Root Juice                                           Energy Drink
Potato Juice
Sauerkraut Juice
            Vegetable Juice Cocktail

You can juice your own, or you can enjoy the convenience and peace of mind knowing that you are getting a 100% organic, fresh, high-quality juice from Biotta. 
Monday, April 27, 2009 by George Pappas
Functional foods are “foods or dietary components that may provide a health benefit beyond basic nutrition.”* Functional foods may have health-promoting or disease-preventing properties that can help you prevent or treat chronic conditions. 
Functional foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fortified foods and beverages, and some dietary supplements. Researchers have recently begun to discover that some of the specific compounds in fruits and vegetables can influence health and wellness.** 
Many scientific organizations are currently trying to establish guidelines to validate claims for functional foods. In order for people to fully understand the health benefits of certain foods, it’s important that a strong effort be made to document scientific criteria that are used for health statements and claims.*
Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are great ways to bring more functional foods into your diet. They help you personalize your nutrition, so you can consume the functional foods most likely to help your condition. For example, if you have digestive concerns, you may want to try Biotta’s Sauerkraut Juice. Hypertension problems? Drink Biotta Beet Juice to increase the betacyans in your diet and help lower blood pressure. Eyesight concerns? Try our carrot juice with natural beta-carotene, which is essential for your eyes.
With the increased interest in functional foods, the benefits of fresh fruits and vegetable juices can hardly be overstated. Biotta’s 100% fresh juices allow you to choose the individualized approach that will benefit you most.
Biotta produces USDA organic juices, available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.
Friday, April 24, 2009 by George Pappas
Energy drinks are generally described as carbonated drinks that contain large amounts of caffeine and sugar with added ingredients, such as B vitamins, amino acids and herbal stimulants. Energy drinks are incredibly popular; in 2005, sales reached $3.5 billion in the US alone.*
Energy drinks are designed to increase alertness and physical performance. They have a stimulant effect on the body that is a result of the combination of caffeine, sugar and herbal supplements.**
Biotta Energy Drink is a clever alternative to existing energy drinks and other pick-me-ups. An organic energy drink, Biotta’s Energy is healthy, refreshing and natural. It’s made from six unique fruit juices and is slightly carbonated. Unlike other energy drinks, Biotta Energy Drink is made from 87% juice, not flavored water. The caffeine in Energy comes from the guarana bean, a natural form of caffeine that is 2-3 times as strong as the coffee bean.
If you are under pressure to perform but are plagued with fatigue, try Biotta’s Energy Drink. In addition to a grape juice blend, Biotta energy contains tea extract, Amazon juice blend (guava juice, camu-camu juice, acai juice, aronia juice), lime juice and guarana powder.
Biotta Energy Drink is available in a 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottle.
Thursday, April 23, 2009 by Sara Cox
Biotta uses only organic farming for all our fruits and vegetables. For more than 50 years, we’ve been dedicated to producing top-quality organic juices from fruits and vegetables that are fresh from the field to the bottle. Over the years, Biotta has farmed more than 1,700 acres of chemical-free, fertilizer-free, and toxic-free land. But is all this really necessary? What are the differences between organic cultivation and conventional farming?
Difference Between Organic and Conventional Farming
Organic Farming
Conventional Farming
  • Plants are nourished by the micro-organisms in the healthy, living soil
  • Natural fertilization, such as compost, manure, cover crops, etc.
  • This aids in developing resistance to diseases and pests; the ecological balance is maintained.
  • Usage and cultivation of beneficial organisms.
  • Chemical fertilizers, pesticides and genetic manipulation are forbidden
  • Plants are directly nourished with chemical fertilizers
  • Weakening of plants, loss of resistance
  • Susceptibility to diseases and pests
  • Usage of pesticides, fungicides and hybridization
  • Damage of beneficial organisms, pesticide and antibiotic residue in the soil, water and in humans
Basically, organic farming is a whole eco-system, consisting of the soil, plants, animals, water and air. Only natural, environmentally appropriate fertilization is used, consisting of nutrient-rich, living organic and in-organic components. Chemical fertilizers, pesticides and genetic manipulation are never used.
Want to experience the benefits of USDA 100% organic juices? Check out Biotta’s healthy juices, available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 by George Pappas
Do you think all nitrates are bad? In a recent post regarding Biotta Beet Juice, I mentioned that “Beets are loaded with nitrates, and recent studies have shown that nitrates play a big part in lowering blood pressure.” What’s the scoop on nitrates? Good or bad?
The issue of nitrates in foods is a complex one, but here’s the simple explanation. Nitrates are a combination of nitrogen and oxygen and are naturally occurring in vegetables, since those represent the main sources of energy required for plant growth. The amount of nitrates naturally found in vegetables varies depending on the kind of vegetables. Some of the vegetables with the highest levels of naturally occurring nitrates are beets and radishes.
The nitrate levels naturally found in vegetables are regarded as safe. The concern with nitrates centers around added nitrates—nitrates added to food for preservation purposes. In the food processing business, special care must be taken when nitrates are added to foods. In some instances, nitrates can chemically link to naturally occurring amines in food and create carcinogenic compounds. 
Biotta does not add any nitrates to our juices, and our juices contain no amines. They are all USDA 100% organic juices; there is no risk of forming carcinogenic compounds. In fact, the scientific community has discovered that the naturally occurring nitrate content in foods can be very beneficial to people attempting to control their hypertension. Eating vegetables and fruits is a good dietary practice, whether it is because of the naturally occurring nitrate content or because of the antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. At Biotta, we also know that the tastiest way to get your vegetables is from Biotta juices!
Biotta produces USDA organic juices, available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.
Thursday, April 16, 2009 by Sara Cox
Our mothers always told us to eat our vegetables. At Biotta, we’d like you to consider drinking them, too. The benefits of vegetables to the healthy functioning of our bodies can hardly be over-emphasized. And one of the benefits of vegetable juice is that it delivers an immediate boost of vital nutrients and vitamins.
USDA guidelines for Americans state that ¾ cup of 100% vegetable juice cocktail is equivalent to one serving of vegetables. A recent UC Davis study found that drinking vegetable juice on a daily basis increases the chances of meeting the daily recommended number of vegetable servings.*
Biotta’s Vegetable Juice Cocktail is a well-balanced blend of several vital nutrients. It’s made from freshly gathered organic vegetables, including tomatoes, carrots, celeriac and beetroots, finished off with lemon juice, spices and a pinch of sea salt. It’s delicious and good for you, too. Biotta’s Vegetable Juice Cocktail is available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. 
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 by George Pappas
In the early 1900s, naturopath Rudolph Breuss developed a recipe for Breuss Vegetable Juice as an alternative method of treating disease, including cancer. Breuss Vegetable Juice is particularly suited for juice-fasting regimens because it is composed of a balanced blend of vegetables to provide the nutrients the body needs during a purification regimen.

Rudolph Breuss wrote a book entitled “The Breuss Cancer Cure: Advice for the Prevention and Natural Treatment of Cancer, Leukemia and Other Seemingly Incurable Diseases.” This book, still available today, has sold more than 900,000 copies and has been translated into five languages. It theorizes that cancer feeds and grows on protein. He deduced that fasting, therefore, could detoxify and cleanse the body, while starving the cancer. Many people still follow this regimen today as a natural treatment for this disease.

Biotta’s Breuss Vegetable Juice is produced according to the original recipe developed in consultation with Rudolph Breuss. In fact, Biotta holds the exclusive license for the worldwide production and distribution of Breuss Juice. A balanced mixture of valuable vegetable juices, Biotta’s Breuss Vegetable Juice is made from freshly gathered organic vegetable such as beetroots, carrots, celeriac, potatoes and radishes. Biotta’s Breuss Vegetable Juice is available in 16.9 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. 
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 by Sara Cox
Most people use celery to spice up their salads and cooking recipes. But, did you know that the benefits of celery juice include ridding the body of toxins and stimulating kidney function, among many others? 
Overeating and the wrong kind of diet can place a great strain on the body. pH levels are thrown out of balance, and that disrupts the body’s metabolism and allows harmful toxins to accumulate. The result can be kidney and bladder problems, a tendency toward kidney stones, gout, rheumatism, and arthritis. Celery root juice is recognized for its essential oils and high potassium content. The benefits of celery root juice include its action as a diuretic, its ability to help neutralize the pH balance, and its stimulation of the kidneys, which rids the body of toxins.
Many people find the benefits of celery root juice extend to a variety of other illnesses, including asthma, constipation, fever, fluid retention, headache, inflammation, insomnia, migraines, nervous problems and weight loss. Celery juice provides a significant source of potassium, which is great for a hydrated and healthy skin. Another benefit of celery juice is its use in the treatment of high blood pressure.*
Biotta’s Celery Root Juice is made from freshly harvested celeriac and is available in 16.9 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. 
Monday, April 13, 2009 by George Pappas
Today more than ever, we all want to take better care of our earth. The awareness and even the smallest efforts make a big impact.  Biotta has been eco-conscious for decades! Here are just a few ways Biotta is doing its part to foster environmental sustainability:
  1. All Biotta organic juices are made from naturally grown fruits and vegetables. Over the years, Biotta has farmed more than 1,700 acres of chemical-free, fertilizer-free and toxic-free land. 
  2. Not only do we produce high-quality organic juices, we bring our commitment to environmental stewardship into every aspect of our process. We are a company that believes in environmental sustainability, and we practice what we preach. We sell the unusable by-products of the fruits and vegetables to farmers for use as organic animal pomace, ensuring that every element of the crop is put to good use. 
  3. Biotta uses only recyclable glass bottles to provide the best protection and allow for the full retention of flavor, content and nutrients. Biotta’s organic juices are available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. 
  4. Biotta’s labels are printed on FSC-certified paper in an effort to support companies committed to environmental sustainability.
Thursday, April 9, 2009 by Sara Cox
From growing and harvesting to processing, pasteurizing, bottling, shipping and distribution, Biotta has developed reliable and scientific growing and production techniques that protect the nutritional integrity and natural value of each bottle of juice.
From organically grown fruits and vegetables to our processing and bottling, Biotta takes great care to protect the natural wholesomeness and taste of all our ingredients. Our uniquely designed production process starts with a thorough washing; then, the selected fruits and vegetables are placed in a closed manufacturing process. 
That means that the next time oxygen will come in contact with this product is when the consumer opens the bottle! Instead of pressing the fruits and vegetables, which can cause some loss of nutritional value, we use a decanting process of centrifugation to pull the juice out.
Then, we pasteurize the juice at low heat levels to retain the high nutritional value, bottle our juices in recyclable glass bottles for full flavor retention, label and send. No other company takes more care to deliver a 100% organic product. 
Wednesday, April 8, 2009 by Sara Cox
At Biotta, we like to say that our juices are “fresh from the field to the bottle.” And we mean it. Since our company began in 1957, we’ve been committed to using only the finest organically grown fruits and vegetables. Every fruit and vegetable we use is grown in chemical-free, fertilizer-free and toxic-free land—land that has been organically farmed for more than half a century. All of our fruits and vegetables are vine/field-ripened and are selected using the highest standards in relation to flavor and content.
Did you know that you can see organic freshness? The higher quality of organic products is noticeable in the better flavor, but also in the crystal formations in the fruits and vegetables. Here’s an example of a conventionally grown potato and an organically grown one. The crystal formations in organic vegetables are regular and harmonious. Those in the conventionally grown vegetable are irregular.
 Organically grown potatoes

Conventionally grown potatoes

What does that mean for our customers? It means they get higher-quality juice with noticeably better flavor—juice that is pure and provides considerably more health protection. At Biotta, our vegetables and fruit juices feature the USDA 100% Organic label on each bottle. 
Tuesday, April 7, 2009 by George Pappas
Both European and American cultures have long used elderberry juice to boost the immune system and help relieve colds and flu. Because elderberry juice has been medically proven to be a strong anti-viral and immune system enhancer, it is often recommended as part of a health maintenance program.
Another reason people take elderberry juice is to ease the strain on the respiratory system. Because of the increase in air pollution, many people suffer from blocked respiratory passages. The natural active ingredients in elderberries can help regenerate the cilia’s filtering function; that’s why it’s a natural to help relieve colds and flu (some people even drink it to help relieve symptoms of asthma).
Biotta’s Elderberry Juice is made from freshly gathered, sun-ripened organic elderberries and is available in an 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottle.
Monday, April 6, 2009 by Sara Cox
When you say hello to spring, do you say good-bye to cold & flu season? Actually, experts say the flu season can last until May! A recent study, cited in a PRWeb® press release* noted that some Americans, particularly young adults, are more prone to illness during the change of seasons.
So, how can we keep our immune system strong all year round? The article cites the usual advice (drink water, get plenty of rest and exercise). But, it also mentions the benefits of elderberries. Elderberries have twice the amount of antioxidants as blueberries and cranberries. Elderberry juice also supplies vitamin C to assist in the prevention and treatment of colds; it’s been medically proven as a strong anti-viral and immune system enhancer. 
Biotta’s Elderberry Juice is made from freshly gathered, sun-ripened organic elderberries and is available in an 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottle.
Friday, April 3, 2009 by George Pappas
Sauerkraut – it’s just for hot dogs, right? Not so! The English sailor Captain James Cook kept his crew healthy with sauerkraut back in 1775. In fact, he was awarded the Copley Medal in 1776 for demonstrating that sauerkraut could be used to allay scurvy in British crews on long sea voyages.
Many people suffer from sluggish bowels and poor digestion. The reason for this is often improper nutrition. Sauerkraut juice is rich in L (+) lactic acid to activate the digestion. Many experts agree that the lactic acid in sauerkraut juice can inhibit the growth of undesired intestinal bacteria and stimulate digestive activity. 
Biotta’s Sauerkraut Juice is healthy and easily digested. It’s extracted from white cabbage through natural lactic acid fermentation. And, since sauerkraut is very low in calories, it contains large amounts of vitamin C and is ideal for diabetics.
Biotta’s Sauerkraut Juice is available in 16.9 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. 
Thursday, April 2, 2009 by Sara Cox
The potato, one of the most popular vegetables in the whole world, came to us via South America, specifically the mountains of Peru. For centuries, Peruvians used potato juice for its many therapeutic properties. Potato juice contains alkali-producing mineral nutrients, making it valuable as a relief for acid indigestion and heartburn. 
Often, our lifestyles put a great strain on our stomachs. Stress and unbalanced nutrition can lead to problems of the digestive tract. Potatoes contain 15 different minerals and essential amino acids. In addition, potatoes contain high quantities of starch that work with these minerals to help neutralize stomach acid. Many people also use potato juice to relieve arthritis pain, migraines, constipation, and some skin problems, such as eczema, dry skin and blemishes. 
Biotta’s Potato Juice is available in 16.9 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. Biotta Potato Juice contains fennel juice, giving this product a pleasant flavor and enhancing its effect.  
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 by George Pappas
The early Greeks believed in the benefits of carrot juice, and it has been considered one of the healthiest snacks since then. What exactly are the benefits of carrot juice? First, carrots are rich in natural beta-carotene, which our bodies transform into vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential to our eyesight, but it also helps keep the mucous membranes that line all the cavities of our bodies healthy, promotes the growth of bones and teeth, and helps us resist infections.
Carrot juice is also high in the vitamin B complex. It’s rich in important minerals (calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorous, chlorine, sulfur and iron), and contains vitamin E, which is thought to help prevent cancer.
Biotta’s Carrot Juice is available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. 
Tuesday, March 31, 2009 by Sara Cox
You bet. And here’s why. Our amazing bodies have the ability to change natural beta-carotene into vitamin A, which is essential for our eyes. Our lifestyle (computer screens, TV watching, night driving, reading and writing in artificial light) places an enormous strain on our eyes. That means the body needs more vitamin A, which is plentiful in carrots.
Biotta’s Carrot Juice celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2007. For more than half a century, we have been producing 100% natural, organic, fresh carrot juice to pharmacies, health food stores, natural food stores and select grocers throughout the country.
Biotta’s Carrot Juice is available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. 
Friday, March 27, 2009 by George Pappas
The benefits of beet juice are becoming more evident all the time.  In addition to its value in strengthening the immune system, recent studies have shown that drinking just two cups of beet juice a day may reduce blood pressure (WebMD, Feb. 8, 2008).
Beets are loaded with nitrates, and recent studies have shown that nitrates play a big part in lowering blood pressure.  A Feb. 4th online edition of the journal Hypertension included information about a study where 14 healthy volunteers drank two cups of beet juice or water.  Those who drink beet juice experienced a drop in blood pressure one hour after drinking it, and the benefits continued for up to 24 hours.
No wonder Biotta’s Beet Juice is our most popular juice.  Biotta’s Beet Juice is available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. 
Friday, March 27, 2009 by Sara Cox
Beet juice is fresh, crisp, smooth and refreshing—and great for you! Beetroot juice contains betacyans, which strengthen the immune system. Beet juice is Biotta’s most popular juice, rich with natural minerals and vitamins. 
Many articles have been written about the benefits of beet juice, including some recent studies that have found that beet juice may reduce blood pressure. Beet juice also helps maintain cell functions and strengthens your body’s own natural resistance to disease.
Biotta’s Beet Juice is available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.  Want more information about Biotta juices? If you’re a consumer and want to know where to find our juices, click on the beet juice icon on the right. If you’re a retailer that already carries our juices, click the carrot juice icon to be included in our retailer directory. If you have any other questions, just email us.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 by George Pappas
If you’re looking for pure, organic foods that bring nature’s goodness to the table, check out Biotta organic juices. Our company started in Switzerland in 1957, and we’ve been producing top-quality fruit and vegetable juices ever since. Every fruit and vegetable we use is grown in land that has been organically farmed for half a century—no chemicals, no fertilizer, no toxins. Biotta juices are natural original juices; they are not made from concentrate, and no artificial additives are used.
Even the way we process and bottle our products is carefully monitored to protect the benefits and nutritional value of our juices. We use the most advanced technologies in our production methods. We even process our juices in recyclable glass bottles for nutrient protection and flavor retention. You can’t buy a fresher, more nutritious, purely organic juice than Biotta. 
Monday, March 23, 2009 by Sara Cox
Welcome to the Biotta Blog! While we are new to blogging, we’re not new to 100% pure organic juices—we’ve been producing them for more than 50 years. In our blog posts, we’ll be informing you about the benefits of our all-natural juices—beta carotene, nitrates, cleansing and detoxification, the reduction of blood pressure, and lots more! 
Biotta juices are amazing products. We provide a unique taste experience through our natural whole fruits and vegetables, grown and harvested for optimum quality, then minimally processed to ensure great taste and high nutritional value. 
Through our blog, we want to share with you new and exciting information—not just about Biotta juices—but also about creating a healthy lifestyle, supporting organic efforts and creating a healthy environment. And we’d also love to hear from you.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009 by Sara Cox
At Biotta, we like to say that our juices are “fresh from the field to the bottle.” And we mean it. Since our company began in 1957, we’ve been committed to using only the finest organically grown fruits and vegetables. Every fruit and vegetable we use is grown in chemical-free, fertilizer-free and toxic-free land—land that has been organically farmed for more than half a century. All of our fruits and vegetables are vine/field-ripened and are selected using the highest standards in relation to flavor and content.
Did you know that you can see organic freshness? The higher quality of organic products is noticeable in the better flavor, but also in the crystal formations in the fruits and vegetables. Here’s an example of a conventionally grown potato and an organically grown one. The crystal formations in organic vegetables are regular and harmonious. Those in the conventionally grown vegetable are irregular.

 Organically grown potatoes
Conventionally grown potatoes

What does that mean for our customers? It means they get higher-quality juice with noticeably better flavor—juice that is pure and provides considerably more health protection. At Biotta, our vegetables and fruit juices feature the USDA 100% Organic label on each bottle. 
Tuesday, April 7, 2009 by George Pappas
Both European and American cultures have long used elderberry juice to boost the immune system and help relieve colds and flu. Because elderberry juice has been medically proven to be a strong anti-viral and immune system enhancer, it is often recommended as part of a health maintenance program.
Another reason people take elderberry juice is to ease the strain on the respiratory system. Because of the increase in air pollution, many people suffer from blocked respiratory passages. The natural active ingredients in elderberries can help regenerate the cilia’s filtering function; that’s why it’s a natural to help relieve colds and flu (some people even drink it to help relieve symptoms of asthma).
Biotta’s Elderberry Juice is made from freshly gathered, sun-ripened organic elderberries and is available in an 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottle.
Monday, April 6, 2009 by Sara Cox
When you say hello to spring, do you say good-bye to cold & flu season? Actually, experts say the flu season can last until May! A recent study, cited in a PRWeb® press release* noted that some Americans, particularly young adults, are more prone to illness during the change of seasons.
So, how can we keep our immune system strong all year round? The article cites the usual advice (drink water, get plenty of rest and exercise). But, it also mentions the benefits of elderberries. Elderberries have twice the amount of antioxidants as blueberries and cranberries. Elderberry juice also supplies vitamin C to assist in the prevention and treatment of colds; it’s been medically proven as a strong anti-viral and immune system enhancer. 
Biotta’s Elderberry Juice is made from freshly gathered, sun-ripened organic elderberries and is available in an 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottle.
Friday, April 3, 2009 by George Pappas
Sauerkraut – it’s just for hot dogs, right? Not so! The English sailor Captain James Cook kept his crew healthy with sauerkraut back in 1775. In fact, he was awarded the Copley Medal in 1776 for demonstrating that sauerkraut could be used to allay scurvy in British crews on long sea voyages.
Many people suffer from sluggish bowels and poor digestion. The reason for this is often improper nutrition. Sauerkraut juice is rich in L (+) lactic acid to activate the digestion. Many experts agree that the lactic acid in sauerkraut juice can inhibit the growth of undesired intestinal bacteria and stimulate digestive activity. 
Biotta’s Sauerkraut Juice is healthy and easily digested. It’s extracted from white cabbage through natural lactic acid fermentation. And, since sauerkraut is very low in calories, it contains large amounts of vitamin C and is ideal for diabetics.
Biotta’s Sauerkraut Juice is available in 16.9 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. 
Thursday, April 2, 2009 by Sara Cox
The potato, one of the most popular vegetables in the whole world, came to us via South America, specifically the mountains of Peru. For centuries, Peruvians used potato juice for its many therapeutic properties. Potato juice contains alkali-producing mineral nutrients, making it valuable as a relief for acid indigestion and heartburn. 
Often, our lifestyles put a great strain on our stomachs. Stress and unbalanced nutrition can lead to problems of the digestive tract. Potatoes contain 15 different minerals and essential amino acids. In addition, potatoes contain high quantities of starch that work with these minerals to help neutralize stomach acid. Many people also use potato juice to relieve arthritis pain, migraines, constipation, and some skin problems, such as eczema, dry skin and blemishes. 
Biotta’s Potato Juice is available in 16.9 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. Biotta Potato Juice contains fennel juice, giving this product a pleasant flavor and enhancing its effect.  
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 by George Pappas
The early Greeks believed in the benefits of carrot juice, and it has been considered one of the healthiest snacks since then. What exactly are the benefits of carrot juice? First, carrots are rich in natural beta-carotene, which our bodies transform into vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential to our eyesight, but it also helps keep the mucous membranes that line all the cavities of our bodies healthy, promotes the growth of bones and teeth, and helps us resist infections.
Carrot juice is also high in the vitamin B complex. It’s rich in important minerals (calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorous, chlorine, sulfur and iron), and contains vitamin E, which is thought to help prevent cancer.
Biotta’s Carrot Juice is available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. 
Tuesday, March 31, 2009 by Sara Cox
You bet. And here’s why. Our amazing bodies have the ability to change natural beta-carotene into vitamin A, which is essential for our eyes. Our lifestyle (computer screens, TV watching, night driving, reading and writing in artificial light) places an enormous strain on our eyes. That means the body needs more vitamin A, which is plentiful in carrots.
Biotta’s Carrot Juice celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2007. For more than half a century, we have been producing 100% natural, organic, fresh carrot juice to pharmacies, health food stores, natural food stores and select grocers throughout the country.
Biotta’s Carrot Juice is available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. 

Friday, March 27, 2009 by George Pappas
The benefits of beet juice are becoming more evident all the time.  In addition to its value in strengthening the immune system, recent studies have shown that drinking just two cups of beet juice a day may reduce blood pressure (WebMD, Feb. 8, 2008).
Beets are loaded with nitrates, and recent studies have shown that nitrates play a big part in lowering blood pressure.  A Feb. 4th online edition of the journal Hypertension included information about a study where 14 healthy volunteers drank two cups of beet juice or water.  Those who drink beet juice experienced a drop in blood pressure one hour after drinking it, and the benefits continued for up to 24 hours.
No wonder Biotta’s Beet Juice is our most popular juice.  Biotta’s Beet Juice is available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles. 
Friday, March 27, 2009 by Sara Cox
Beet juice is fresh, crisp, smooth and refreshing—and great for you! Beetroot juice contains betacyans, which strengthen the immune system. Beet juice is Biotta’s most popular juice, rich with natural minerals and vitamins. 
Many articles have been written about the benefits of beet juice, including some recent studies that have found that beet juice may reduce blood pressure. Beet juice also helps maintain cell functions and strengthens your body’s own natural resistance to disease.
Biotta’s Beet Juice is available in 16.9 and 8.4 fl. oz. recyclable glass bottles.  Want more information about Biotta juices? If you’re a consumer and want to know where to find our juices, click on the beet juice icon on the right. If you’re a retailer that already carries our juices, click the carrot juice icon to be included in our retailer directory. If you have any other questions, just email us.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 by George Pappas
If you’re looking for pure, organic foods that bring nature’s goodness to the table, check out Biotta organic juices. Our company started in Switzerland in 1957, and we’ve been producing top-quality fruit and vegetable juices ever since. Every fruit and vegetable we use is grown in land that has been organically farmed for half a century—no chemicals, no fertilizer, no toxins. Biotta juices are natural original juices; they are not made from concentrate, and no artificial additives are used.
Even the way we process and bottle our products is carefully monitored to protect the benefits and nutritional value of our juices. We use the most advanced technologies in our production methods. We even process our juices in recyclable glass bottles for nutrient protection and flavor retention. You can’t buy a fresher, more nutritious, purely organic juice than Biotta. 
Monday, March 23, 2009 by Sara Cox
Welcome to the Biotta Blog! While we are new to blogging, we’re not new to 100% pure organic juices—we’ve been producing them for more than 50 years. In our blog posts, we’ll be informing you about the benefits of our all-natural juices—beta carotene, nitrates, cleansing and detoxification, the reduction of blood pressure, and lots more! 
Biotta juices are amazing products. We provide a unique taste experience through our natural whole fruits and vegetables, grown and harvested for optimum quality, then minimally processed to ensure great taste and high nutritional value. 
Through our blog, we want to share with you new and exciting information—not just about Biotta juices—but also about creating a healthy lifestyle, supporting organic efforts and creating a healthy environment. And we’d also love to hear from you.

3 komentar:

  1. More Fresh and More Organic !! Grab it !!

  2. Organic juice has many benefits. The first benefit is that it is free of chemicals which can harm internal organs. Organic juices such as Organic Noni Juice are being sold at very cheap rates nowadays. So, many people can benefit from consuming this antioxidant rich organic noni juice.

  3. Diabetic safe plan help you control sugar level on your body. You just need to make simply a healthy eating plan. Planning healthy food and drinks choices is the key to manage diabetes.

    Diabetic Safe
    Diabetic Care Juice
